Smart Preview is ready for general use

Thanks to the efforts of our test users at Virginia Tech and Texas A&M, I’m now ready to make Smart Preview generally available.

Download the attached zip file. The documentation PDF explains what you have to do.

Most installations should not require changing the default configuration.

If you have problems or questions, don’t hesitate to ask. I prefer that you post questions in the forum, but I’ll also respond to email sent to me directly.


Smart Preview works great for us! I’m looking forward to it being included in some new version of Rhythmyx.

The only thing I’ve noticed is that preview options disappear sometimes. For example, instead of being able to preview my home page with P-My Home or S-Sidebar, sometimes I only see S-Sidebar as a choice, or else no choices. I haven’t been able to isolate what kind of Workbench editing causes this to happen, but editing the Home content type and restarting my browser seems to fix it.

If you do figure out a pattern, let me know and I’ll look at the code.

One thing to check: if you hit the problem, try closing the browser window (and all other windows) and re-logging in.

The templates are cached on the user session, so if you close the browser and log in again, the template choices will be refreshed. Let me know if this cures the problem


FYI: in 6.7, Smart Preview seems to be called Item Preview. The FF sites still use Corporate Preview and Enterprise Preview, but we don’t have to. Thanks!

In terms of the templates disappearing, do note that if you edit the template in WB then that template “disappears” from the choices for a pre-existing logged in user. Logging out and logging back in, you should be able to see that template in the choices again.

Don’t know if this is by design or an expected by product, but this behavior has always happened for us and I just was curious if that is what you were experiencing.