SOAP Example

Does anyone have a simple SOAP example? Just the XML and the correct URL to send the request to?
Ultimately I’d like to return the creator and last modifier for a content item but just getting a SOAP request to work and return something would be a start!



Does Web Services (Version 6.5 link) provide the functionality you’re looking for?


Yes, I’ve used the examples in that document to create and access content types in Java. I was just hoping to do a quick SOAP request to get the information I wanted. I’ve tried something as simple as the block below to http://XXXXX:9992/Rhythmyx/webservices/securitySOAP but just receive errors.
If anyone has a successful start point I could go from there.

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="">
    <Authentication xmlns="">
    <login xmlns="">

Have you had any luck calling the SOAP request from the html? Has anyone else successfully implemented this?
