Specified folder not in Site Tree

When we publish a part of our site (a part that have been move), all the link in those pages are incorrect and in the console.log, we have this kind of error “Specified folder, id=XXX, not in Site Tree”. I assume that those error are cause by the move that have been made but now how can a fix this ?




When you say that part of the site has been moved, do you mean that you dragged and dropped a folder (with all of its subfolders, etc) into a new location? Have you verified that this new location is still a “descendent” of the original site root folder?

Assuming that you have verified this, did you try flushing the cache (from the console)?

You don’t say, but I assume this is Rhythmyx 6.5. Is that correct?



This is with Rhythmyx 6.1.
We drag and drop a folder (with all the subfolders) from a site to another. The new location are descendent of the new location and not from the old location.
And I flushed the cache a couple of time from the console.

I found a solution for now. If I open my items and resave them, it correct all the link inside (in the Edit Live) that item. But I have to do that manually and I have a lot of items. Is there another solution ?




Yes, if you move items between sites, the inline links will need fixing up.

You can try running rxfix. I don’t have a running 6.1 system here (only 6.5) but I believe that the procedure is the same. (as you may know, the office is closed for Thanksgiving).

Go to the admin page: http://<myserver>:<myport>/Rhythmyx/admin/

Click on the rxfix link. One of the checkboxes says “fix inline links” make sure this is checked and the select “preview”.

Warning: this could take a long time, and you may want to do it “off hours” when there are not as many users on the system.


Hi Dave,
Thanks for the answer. It correct all our problems.
I’m going to keep that link in my bookmarks :wink:

