SQL Error prevents inserting a new field to a content type

When I was trying to insert a new field to an existing content type, the following error showed up on the pop up window on save:
“Unable to process schema changes for table (CT_MWPRODUCTDESCRIPTION2): [1]01004: Data truncation [2] 22001: String or binary data would be truncated.”

If I rolled back the changes, I was able to save the content type again.
The existing table that the CT is based on has many large columns, but not many rows. We are on MS SQL 2005.

I don’t understand the error, since I was just trying to add a new field, with no data change yet. No related detail info was in console.log.
Has anyone had this error before or had any clue what might have caused this?


I’ve had this problem happen when there was a field size change and there existed a content item that had data that would be lost with that smaller field size. So when the content type was being saved via workbench and ( in the database) a new table was being created with the old data being copied and one of those items had data that would be lost in the new table. I would definitely recheck to make sure that none of the fields had / has been modified.

Also double check the size/type value inside your object store xml matches that of the database table. Sometimes these can get out of sync…

The error is basically telling you the size of the object in your content type e.g text sentence of 500 characters is being inserted into a database table column that has space to save less that that 500 characters.

Thank you for your replies.
It turned out to have been caused by our database monitoring mechanism. There are triggers on our CMS database so that whenever there is a change on the table structure, the description about the change will be written into a logging table. The description of my change was too long to fit into the logging table, so the SQL error I received was thrown from that logging table.
We reported this problem to our DBA, and the trigger was dropped for our CMS database. I’m all set now.