Staging vs Production

We are looking at an enhancement that would allow customers to publish content to staging prior to publishing to production. This would give organizations the ability to test any changes to the website in a fully published environment before going live. The feedback we have gotten from several customers is that they have internal processes that they must follow for content to flow through testing to production and this enhancement would make that process easier to manage. If you are interested on having input on the design of this, please comment and vote for this features.


this is a great idea. I’m surprised more people haven’t +1’d it. Any CM1 site that does more than be visualised in preview would seem to need this enhancement.

Hope it makes it in!


Definitely would use this feature. I +1’d it.

It’s been my experience on this community site that it’s just not “that” active, day to day, so it just doesn’t get enough traffic from users to fully have this whole +1 thing to work well. On top of that, maybe others are just missing the whole “+1” button? I honestly am not real sure what all could be done to improve customer feedback for idea topics though, so sorry.

Having not gone live yet…this would be VERY helpful. Will it be available soon? Purdy pleezeeeee?

I was just talking about this in a meeting today and wanted to check here on the forums to find out what the current best practice is. If this would allow us to stage out a development version of pages (while still having access to the current production version) that would be awesome!

This is under development and is being added to the product in the 5.1 release.


Is there a guesstimate on the 5.1 release date?

Awesome!! Are you going to provide a website, like documentation or how-to use S vs P?

We have spent a significant amount of time trying to setup and configure a staging/UAT environment to replicate our Production environment without 100% duplication of the environments. We have something that works, but there are some quirks. I look forward to seeing what is in the 5.1 release. It would be nice to have a quirk-free solution.

I did not see an answer to the release date question above? Is their a target date that you can share?

Thanks in advance,

Hi all, 5.1 is due to be released any day now! We are aiming for early next week but as always, that is subject to change.

To answer Aaron’s question, we will be adding documentation on the staging feature to our help site and most likely running a webinar on the new release. Speaking of the help site, we are also relaunching it very soon. It will have a new look and it’s been restructured to make it easier to find content. We will post an announcement here on both as well as sending out through the usual channels.


Thanks for the reply and info Peter. It is exciting and appreciated.

No problem Rob, there’s been a lot of hard work that has gone into both the release and Help, so we’re excited to see how our customers like them!