Starred Item Enhancements

Issue #1: Not sure if anyone else experience this problem but our website is setup where nearly every page is an index page that is managed through Navigation. As such, when someone “stars” a page it appears within their starred section of the finder with a “Name” of “Index”. This kind of defeats the purpose of saving items for quick reference as if you have more than a few starred items you don’t know what pages they are associated with. Can we add another column to the starred section for the “Page Link” attribute or some other way to identify the title of the page rather than just “index”.

Issue #2: Could we “star” assets or better yet folders? It would be really helpful to star a folder that is buried deep in the finder for quick access.

Hi Josh, I was looking through some old feature requests and spotted this one. I think the Home Tab should address these issues: let me know if you’ve tried it out and think if it helps!

That does help. It would be great if the “Title” attribute could be an added column on the starred section so that it can easily be accessed in the file viewer without having to go to the Home section.

We still don’t have access to star assets and folders correct? I may be missing that.


You should see the My Bookmarks section under the Home screen. It was introduced in 4.4 so you might need to upgrade. When you edit content, there is a star option, which will add it to your bookmarks:

For more information on the Home Screen, have a look at the release notes from 4.4:…
