String index out of range

We have a importer that is taking an XML file, formatting it using an XSLT file and creates a final XML file. It then takes that final file and imports it into Rhythmyx. In the importer it is creating multiple content items using 3 different content types. Two of the items are working fine and being created. The final content item is not. In the server log I get the following error:

wsSearchHandler Exception, source
ceurl: …/psx_cecicaDailyClipping/cicaDailyClipping.htmlMessage: an
exception occurred while processing the internal requesthandler call: initializing
apploication .sys_CEHandler7112:java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException:
String index out of range: -24

We can create content items manually with this content type, so its just during this automated import process.

Does anyone have any idea what this error could mean or where I could look to figure this out? I know its hard to give suggestions without known how the importer works or seeing in action but I"m hoping someone might just have some thoughts that might lead us in the right direction.


Did you try creating a content item , manually, with the data you get from the XML file? Are you using substring() or nextLine() methods in your code? These are the general culprits for string out of bound exceptions.

  • Ravi

Thanks for responding Ravi. Yes I did try it manually with the data from the XML file just in case it was the data but it worked fine manually.

As for the methods used, I’m not sure as this importer was written by someone else. I’m going to forward your email to them however to see if that sparks any thoughts from them.

One thing I will mention though is that it worked fine with the sample data and sample content types (different content types then the ones we’re using). We’ve made sure our XML looks exactly like the sample provided.


The importer looks for a value attribute for each field.
That was not correctly defined for two fields, also a required field on the content type was not defined.