Support Portal Outage

Our support portal service provider is currently experiencing an outage.  This means that the support web site at is down.  The email ticketing system appears to be unaffected.   We will post an update when service is restored. 

The portal is back to normal. 

Awesome! I thought it crashed because I post too many great ideas :stuck_out_tongue:

On the Percussion Help page, the link to the Support Portal under ‘Release Notes & Downloads’ does not work; it has a typo.
More importantly, the download link for CM1 5.3 returns a 404 error.

404 Not Found

  • Code: NoSuchKey

  • Message: The specified key does not exist.

  • Key: downloads/cm1/5.3.0/Windows/

  • RequestId: D87CF3F29AE69855

  • HostId: l5IigtkPPmcecc7aNFoJE+QGPSIgWfi32b/h82CMuUrWU0UXSXUBVS8OOREeV6TB

Nice catch.  The portal link has been fixed.  We are in the process of updating the download links.  The links will be live shortly.   

The links should be working correctly now.