SWF File Help

One of my site masters has uploaded a SWF file that they want to use on one of their pages. I’ve added the code to the page and can view it in the “preview” but when i publish the page and try to view it from the public, I get a 403 access forbidden.


Any suggestions?

Hi Matt,

I am wondering if you can access anything else in that directory publicly? This sounds like a permissions issue, I would start by checking the permissions of that directory/file. Also, sometimes we’ve seen this issue with virtual directories when configured in IIS.

Let us know what you find.

Chris W

Hi Chris,

I’m able to access the SWF file directly in the browser. http://www.mwsu.edu/Assets/documents/…

Everything else that is in the asset folder and also in the bsrs folder are accessible.

Hi Matt,

I would take a look at what default document(s) you have listened in IIS. If you don’t have any kind of document that is listed as default, this might be what’s causing the issue. Commonly, users/visitors don’t have permissions to view the listings of a directory itself, they usually have permissions to view files themselves. This is why you can hit the assets in the folder specifically. Do you have an index file in that directory?

Chris W

Hi Chris,

Sorry I was out of the office Friday. Here are the items listed in my default documents: index.php, index.asp, Default.htm, Default.asp, index.htm, index.html, iisstart.htm, default.aspx.

I’m not directing users to the asset folder to see the SWF file. I’m using the full path to the asset folder in the HTML code to show the SWF file on a public page http://www.mwsu.edu/academics/hs2/rad… .

Hi Matt,

I went to the page you have listed and it now appears to be working. I’m not sure if you changed any configuration since last week. Try clearing your browser’s cache and viewing the page again. Maybe someone approved the asset since we last viewed it?

Since it appears to be working (as far as I can tell), you might not need to change anything but I noticed you are using this link:


to embed the page as the above link throws a 404 error. I was wondering if you meant to link to the asset itself in your embed code. If this still appears to be an issue, let’s bring this into a support ticket to further troubleshoot. Let me know what you find, and thanks.

Chris W

I actually figured out what was going on. At some point a folder had been created outside of Percussion called orientation. Then I was trying to create a page inside Percussion called orientation and it was conflicting. Thank you for your help.

Thanks for following up Matt - glad it’s working!