Switch to new Workflow

We have implemented a new workflow for one of the sites (site A). The new site uses different content types. We still have the other sites that use existing content types. We switched the workflow in the workbench for the content types being used by this site A.

The new workflow works fine for new items that are created. However, the existing content items, keep on pointing to this old workflow. Is there any way we can flip the workflow for existing content items as well to also use the new workflow just like any new content items do use the new workflow. Other than changing the Default workflow in the workbench for the content type, is there anything else we need to do for it to effect.


Much like other content type settings (e.g. default values for fields, locale, etc), changing the default workflow for a content type only affects items on a go-forward basis. The default workflow setting is only used during the initial content item creation process to determine what workflow to assign. After the content item has been saved, Percussion will not retroactively update content items based on settings. Workflow, in particular, once it has been assigned cannot be changed because this would wreak havoc. Think about the fact that items might be in various states in your old workflow, if you were to just assign to the new workflow, the state information no longer makes sense and the item can be corrupted. Probably the best you can do is make copies of the existing content items (which will pick up the new workflow), and then push them through to the new workflow to whatever desired state you want and purge the old items.


The content items are pages…Pages have the body field which has inline links to other content items which are again pages.
If we make a copy wont that mean that we will have to go manually in the body field, and change the link to point to the new copy of the page?


Just out of curiosity, but are you able to create a “promotable version” of an “old” content item and select the “new workflow”? If so, then I would say that is a valid solution.

SQL can be your friend if the above doesn’t work. DISCLAIMER: Modifying your content items using SQL is completely unsupported and may result in countless hours of suffering…