sys_authtype 0, autoslot disappears in preview

My autoslot publishes fine, and the pages look good when I preview them from Content Explorer. But when I click on a Managed Nav link to the page (created by my clone of rffSnNavBreadcrumbs in Smart Preview), the autoslot disappears, though the Global Template looks good. This happens with both snippet templates in which the autoslot content appears: news page and home page.

Changing the sys_authtype from 0 to 1 makes it work. But all the content I’m trying to preview is Public, which is why it publishes correctly. We don’t write these URLs, you know, we just use what Managed Nav gives us. How can I make it come out right?

News Page (good and bad, respectively):

looks like you’re missing the item filter parameter.

Is there an item filter parameter on the original page URL (as generated by the preview), or just an auth type ?

There is a sys_itemfilter parameter in the URL when I preview the home page,

but not in the URL after I click on the News link from that home page preview. 

There is a sys_itemfilter parameter in the URL when I preview the home page,

but not in the URL after I click on the News link from that home page preview. 

I don’t have this problem on our development server, where the URL for the News page is:

I did have some MSM problems, but I thought the templates ended up the same on both servers.

I’m having the exact same problem. How do I get the sys_itemfilter parameter into the active assembly links instead of sys_authtype?

Assembly engine handles both authtype and item filters properly internally.
If you want to get the item filter then use getFilter() method on IPSAssemblyItem.