
I’m having difficulty using a slot with sys_ManagedNavContentFinder. This slot has rffNavon as allowed ct, parameters are “self” (node_to_return) and template name. Slot is then included in my template.

The way I understand it, slot is supposed to return navon related to the current item. However this doesn’t seem to work. How do we properly build a slot with this particular content finder?


Could you be a little more specific about what you mean by “doesn’t seem to work”?

You should be able to just include the slot in your template like this:

#slot("rffNav" "" "" "" "" "template=rffSnNavonLink")  

Or whatever the template you want to include is. The “self” should happen by default.

What behavior are you seeing ?


I entered parameter “self” with quotes - my bad. It works now. Thanks.