
Is there some documentation somewhere where I can read what this Field Validation extension does? The name seems pretty straight forward, but it isn’t doing what I am expecting, and it isn’t listed in the Technical Reference with the other Field Validation extensions, nor in any of the documentation, according to a search. I am also unable to add parameters.

For reference, I am trying to implement sys_pathname in my content types, so I can let users create concise, relevant URLs for web pages, and I assumed sys_ValidateUniqueName would check that field to ensure it’s content wasn’t being used in the same content type/folder/community. But it isn’t doing anything, from what I can tell.

Rx 6.5.2 [13552]


The extension works more narrowly. It is used to validate that the value of the field is unique within the Folder (but not the Community or Content Type). To see it in action, browse to a Folder and try to create a Content Item that has an identical value in sys_title as a Content Item that already exists in the Folder. You should get an error message.

Usually, when an extension like this is missing from the .pdf, you can find it in the Javadoc (<Rhythmyxroot>/Docs/Rhythmyx/Javadocs/indexall.html). Unfortunately, in the case it was omitted from both locations. I have logged issues in our DTS to correct these omissions.

A final option that is available is to look at the extension registration XML: (<Rhythmyxroot>/Extensions/Handlers/Java/<number>/Extensions.xml) for the name of the extension.


Excellent, thanks for the tips. Folder level is actually what I am looking for, so it should be perfect. I’ll give it another go today.