$sys.variables.rxs_navbase is not rendered

I have a weird situation.

In my bindings I specify $sys.variables.rxs_navbase as $rxs_navbase and put that variable into all paths to CSS/Scripts/Images

While previewing a site, when clicking on ‘Copy URL to Clipboard’ of Content Item and pasting that URL into another browser windows, the page displays fine and the $rxs_navbase is translated into an actual path

But, when editing a Content Item, there are the links underneath to the templates. When clicking on one of these links $rxs_navbase is not rendered into anything. It just stays $rxs_navbase…!

Is there any reason for it to happen?

Hopefully I’ve understood the question correctly. Apologies if not.

If you look at the URL’s of the previewed templates which are causing a problem there’ll be no sys_siteid parameter in the URL and because of that none of your site variables will be picked up (e.g., rxs_navbase). I think its really just a old piece of functionality that was more relevant in the days of Rhythmyx 4.5 and 5. I like (and use) the ‘Edit All’ button though.

I don’t know of a real solution to this other than to perhaps hide the templates from being displayed. I’d prefer users to preview templates through the content explorer window where there’s more chance of a siteid and folderid parameters being populated and something looking more like what you wanted to see.

Thank you very much for your answer