sysCopyParams only if field is empty

Is it possible to populate one field in the content editor with the iput from another if it is left blank by the user?

I have not come across anything that would do this by default within RX. I think you are going to have to write your own custom extension.

If you don’t find a solution in Rhythmyx, you could try setting up a trigger in your database, outside of Rhythmyx’s control. But Rhythmyx should then re-query the database to populate the field. See the description of the chain of events here: However, we have had problems with that when the content item is a navon. If you do find an alternative method, please post it here because we would be interested.


This will require a custom extension. It’s one of those “ten lines of Java code” extensions. I realize that if you don’t know how to write one line of Java code, that won’t help you very much.

There are some decent examples in the “Exits” folder on your Rhythmyx server.

I should also point out (as I have in the other thread you reference) that triggers are unsupported. If they work for you, fine, but don’t expect us to fix them (or change Rhythmyx) if they don’t.


It is possible in certain cases, but you have to use a feature in a way it was not originally intended.
If the field does not require validation, then you can use the validation feature as a way to conditionally set the value.
To do this, add a validation to the desired field. You need to use the rxs_CopyValueToRequrest UDF. In order to see this UDF in the validation extension list, you must enable the ‘Show legacy interfaces in content type extensions’ preference. The first param is a literal, the name of the current field. The 2nd param is a Single html param, the name of the source field.
Uncheck both the ‘Required’ and ‘Skip validation if field empty’ checkboxes.
In the Prerequisites, you should add one conditional whose variable is a single html param of the current field and whose OP is IS NOT NULL.

This method doesn’t work if the target field requires validation as the prerequisites are for all validations, not each entry, so there is no way to disable the copy params extension and enable other validations.

Thanks much for posting this-it solves my problem perfectly! The only thing is that I want the validation to run when the current field is empty, so I used IS NULL rather than IS NOT NULL for the prerequisites.

In the Prerequisites, you should add one conditional whose variable is a single html param of the current field and whose OP is IS NOT NULL.[/QUOTE]