System requirements???

It seems excessively difficult to check the latest system requirements for Percussion CMS. The Getting Started guide (I’m looking at the one for 7.3, though we’re actually running 7.2), says (on p.12) to check here:

Of course I knew about that page because that’s where I got the Getting Started guide…

There is no system requirements state

There’s a myriad of documents however, with no real clear rationale as to what is in each. Administration, Technical Reference, Getting Started, Installing, Modelling and Design, Release Notes, Setting up Production, Upgrading and Scaling the Publishing Environment are all candidates for the system requirements, but I don’t think they are there in any of them.

Couldn’t we have some kind of categorisation of the documents? Something like “Building your server”, “Designing your first Web site”, “Maintenance and upgrades” and “Special features and enhancements” might work.

And where are the latest system requirements, and what are they?

Thanks in advance :smiley:


Check out:

Installing CM System.

I have to admit that my usual doc use case starts with Google with the “Rhythmyx”, “CM System”, and / or “Percussion” keywords followed by whatever I am looking for, and then I navigate the doc from there.

Your idea on categorizing the doc into more of a task based IA sounds good. I think the challenge there would be settling on the categories and then sorting out the best category for each of the existing doc assets.


[QUOTE=drossall;20920]It seems excessively difficult to check the latest system requirements for Percussion CMS. The Getting Started guide (I’m looking at the one for 7.3, though we’re actually running 7.2), says (on p.12) to check here:

Of course I knew about that page because that’s where I got the Getting Started guide…

There is no system requirements state

There’s a myriad of documents however, with no real clear rationale as to what is in each. Administration, Technical Reference, Getting Started, Installing, Modelling and Design, Release Notes, Setting up Production, Upgrading and Scaling the Publishing Environment are all candidates for the system requirements, but I don’t think they are there in any of them.

Couldn’t we have some kind of categorisation of the documents? Something like “Building your server”, “Designing your first Web site”, “Maintenance and upgrades” and “Special features and enhancements” might work.

And where are the latest system requirements, and what are they?

Thanks in advance :D[/QUOTE]

Thanks. I was sure I’d looked there, but my eyes must have glazed over in the end. An alternative to an IA would be just to add an overview document, stating what each other document covered and in what order/circumstances to read them if going from scratch.

I did start with Googling. That, I believe, was how I re-found the link to the documentation page, but then you’re faced with the list of documents, and Google helps no further.

Sorry I didn’t mean that to come across as “Just Google It!” :slight_smile:

Was more observing that I rarely use the help page directly because the doc is awkward to navigate.

Let me bounce this around internally and see if we can either add an overview doc or categorize / group the docs a little better.


No, that’s fine, it didn’t come over that way - everyone Googles to find things - and I didn’t know you were with Percussion because there’s no indication of that, so I wouldn’t have got upset with the company anyway :smiley: