System title duplicate issue

We notice that when our content editor create content items that have the same system titles it will cause some strange behaver for RX publish. Is there a way to prevent duplicate system title created? (I know RX will check duplicated system title within a folder,but we want a check for whole site)


You could create a validation extension similar to sys_ValidateUniqueName that would verify that the value is not duplicated across the entire repository. This validation extension would need to be added to the “sys_title” field under “Content Types Global Configuration.” What is the strange behavior that you’re encountering in the RX publish with same system title values?

Hi Riley,

The strange behaver is when we have two items that have the same system title, and one of it set to Public status and the other one set to Archive status, then the publish will randomly publish item out. One of the item might publish out at one time, and if you publish again the item might disappear. Is this a bug in percussion? I will assume it should use the content ID because that’s the unique ID within the whole site.

Anyway, thanks for pointing me out where to set the validation. So the current one sys_ValidateUniqueName is to set the unique name within a folder? And I have no clue how to set one with the whole site. Can you help me out here?


Hi Dan

Is it possible that both items have the same published filename and are published to the same folder? If so, having one in the public state and another in the archive state could cause the problem you are having.



Hi Richard,

We are using database publish but binary publish, and the two items are not in the same folder, so I think that’s not the case。
