Tech support UK

How are other UK customers coping with the support issues resulting from the massive changes in the UK Percussin offices - such as there being only a recorded message and the Janitor’s dog keeping things ticking over

I’ve only reported one* issue to UK technical support, by email, since the changes. The following day the TAR was created with a priority of “Notable”. One week after that I received an email from an actual person asking what build and patch we are on, and what database and OS we use. This response time is roughly what it has always been, in my experience. The issue was then closed five days later, because a bug has been created for it in the US. It is at this stage that I have a problem, because then I have no idea whether a fix could arrive next week, next month, in a year’s time, or never. Or it could have been released yesterday without me knowing. We don’t even have an indication of its priority (unless it inherits the TAR priority of “Notable”?) What ever happened to the idea of Percussion posting the status of bugs on a new section of these forums?

  • Actually I’ve sent two, but the other one we figured out at this end and emailed them to cancel it the next day. They then closed it immediately.

I am responsible for Supporting all US and UK customers. If you are having any issues with Support or response time, please contact me directly. I can be reached through the main number, 800-283-0800 or by email at

Posting bugs that have been fixed? This information is currently posted in the readme’s found in the following forum:

We are planning to post reported bugs and fixed bugs in a new forum. This functionality is currently being tested and you should expect to see it later this quarter.

The support procedure for issues that are identified as reported bugs: We identify to the customer what the bug number is. Once we have a time frame or specified release that the bug will be addressed in, this information is provided to the customer and the ticket closed. If this process is not occurring, please let me know so that I can address it.

Please contact me for any questions or concerns you have.

Nick Lombardi