Telling CM1 to use Absolute path URLs for assets

Is there a way to make CM1 use fully qualified URLs (http://www…) for all assets on a given page? Currently it’s using absolute paths with no way to toggle.


Good afternoon, thank you for reaching out through the community. Could I ask you to be a little more specific with your request? I’m not sure I fully understand what you are looking for?

Percussion by default publishes to relative paths. For example your website:
Any assets you would publish to your website would be:…

How would you prefer it to be? Also how would our other community members benefit from this as well? Would this be for more of an SEO optimization?

If you could elaborate, maybe more users might want it as well, and we can get this voted and onto the roadmap.



I may be completely off on the terminology, so let me use examples.

Everything configured for us, right now, publishes using: /Assets/yourFolder/y… (relative reference with an absolute path?)

Under certain circumstances we’d like for a webpage to use the full path:… (absolute URL?)

These ‘other circumstances’ include copying an event page directly from the website into an email, or making a page available to be directly copied to a secondary website without having to re-code the paths.

Hi David,

You can use the absolute path of an image or any asset you like in cm1. The set back with this is the link will not be managed. What this means is if you move the item the link or reference to you assets will break. For example if you were to use the absolute path to references an image on several pages and you moved that image to a new location, you would have to go and change the paths on all the pages that reference that image with an absolute path or the images will break on the page.

Are you asking if the managed link that gets generated can be an absolute path instead of a relative path?


Yes, a method to tell CM1 to generate the managed link as an absolute path instead of a relative path is what I’m looking for.

Forgoing managed links wouldn’t be ideal.

If there isn’t a method in CM1 to do this then this topic can be relabeled as “Idea.”


I will change this post into an idea for you.

Thank you for your suggestions.