Template changes not being published to live server.

I have a template that I have added a widget to and no matter how I try to publish the changes and the page that it affects the new widget does not show up in the live server. I have done a full publish and made template content changes and published incremental, it just will not show up. Changed the content on the page without success. I can see that the template has the new widget and I can see the widget in the page I want to have published.

Please Advise


Hello Steve,

If the widget is an Asset, you might need to make sure the Asset is Approved and published - if so, it should show a Live status.

If this does not seem to be the issue we suggest contacting us directly at Support - please send a copy of your Percussion log file \AppServer\server\rx\log\server.log to technical_support@percussion.com. We can review this file and see if there are errors while publishing.

Thank you,

This is a RichText widget that has not been shared as a asset. The publish routine does not show any errors in the reporting section of the CM1 publishing section.

Hello Steve,

We will open a support ticket for you, and reach out to you there to get more details about this problem.


What was the problem and resolution?


In this case the user’s CM1 lost its connection to the database for some time.  This seemed to have caused some errors with publishing.  Stopping and starting the Percussion service resolved the issue here.

If all assets or pages involved have been published (and show a status of Live), and you are not seeing any specific errors in your CM1 publishing logs, you can check the server log for errrors, or send it to technical_support@percussion.com.  They are located here:

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