Template copying workflow, resulting DB error

I have a landing page that requires swapping out the text editor for the html widget. I want to copy the template the page is based on.

In CM1 2.8 and prior you just copied the template via Design - Copy Template (choice between site or percussion).

In CM1 2.11 they took away the functionality to copy from an existing template, only percussion templates; The other option to import from a URL. I choose import from URL using the landing page I need to mod. Go to page I need to mod and change it to the imported template.

Template was empty. Now my page is blank, all content has disappeared. Obviously not what I wanted. Go to revisions and restore it the old version. Get this error:

The revision ‘2’ does not specify the edit revision for the item with content id ‘795’ but the user ‘Admin’ has the item checked out.The revision ‘2’ does not specify the edit revision for the item with content id ‘795’ but the user ‘Admin’ has the item checked out.java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The revision ‘2’ does not specify the edit revision for the item with content id ‘795’ but the user ‘Admin’ has the item checked out.java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The revision ‘2’ does not specify the edit revision for the item with content id ‘795’ but the user ‘Admin’ has the item checked out.com.percussion.share.dao.IPSGenericDao.DeleteExceptionjava.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The revision ‘2’ does not specify the edit revision for the item with content id ‘795’ but the user ‘Admin’ has the item checked out.

It appears to have restored correctly. However, I can’t publish the page.

Made a copy of the file to try to export/import based on the copy.
Received the same error [sic]
Now I can’t even delete the copied file that I was testing with.

I still need to copy the template and swap widgets.

Please advise.

Hi Phil,

You are still able to copy your existing templates in version 2.11, here is a short video showing the new way to accomplish this:


As for the errors you’re experiencing, it looks like we should take this offline and create a support ticket, so an analyst can further troubleshoot. You should receive a notification in your inbox shortly.


Hi Phil,

The revision id error – and the resulting publishing error – appears to be tied to a known revision id issue in CM1. There is a pretty straightforward process you can follow that usually works to get these pages out of this “stuck” state. Please take a look in this Community topic for my instructions on how to do this (top response):


If this doesn’t work, let me know, and we can look into this further through the ticket Jon has created for us.

Jon, thanks for that, exactly what I was looking for!
Nathaniel, solution worked perfectly. Thank you both!!!

Great Phil! Glad we could help.

Phil, I’m glad we were able to help. Enjoy your weekend!