template set to publish always, does not publish

I have a content type Article which has a pg tempalte set to publish as default and a print friendly template set to publish always. All my content types both publish fine, but with this one the template set to Always does not publish … I’m at a loss… Any ideas??

Maybe your location scheme is only pointing to one of the templates.

But if you just want print-friendly versions, we do that with stylesheets. I found this article stimulating: CSS Design: Going to Print by Eric Meyer, but a more recent discussion from webcredible.co.uk is called Print stylesheet - the definitive guide.

Thanks I’ll definately give those a read over. One of our web sites is CSS based but the rest are not, they were done in tables (yes i know ick), so its just easier at this point to have a seperate template for print friendly.

Location scheme is using the generic which is set as default. I also have a prefix set on my print friendly template so when it publishes out it wouldn’t overwrite the default … But alas i stll have the original problem …