Template Source black screen

I did a fresh install of the workbench on a windows7 machine. When I open the workbench, templates and click on the Source tab…All I see is a black screen. I am able to open all other tabs except this source tab. Has anyone experienced this kind of problem?


Black screen on the source tab? Can you provide the Version and Build Id for your Eclipse found under “Help -> About Rhythmyx Workbench”

I have never had the problem where I just get a black screen, but I have seen Workbench generate some meaningless error when trying to open certain templates, in which case I temporarly change the editor for Velocity files to plain text editor, to troubleshoot if it is some issue with the Velocity plugin. Does this happen for all templates or just some?

I remember seeing an issue like this before. In that case it was caused by a separate screen capture program, snagit in that case that was running in the task bar. When that was closed we did not have the issue. That was a while ago. I would suggest closing any application like this and/or upgrading your system graphics drivers and see if that helps.

I’m having this issue as well. Sometimes the screen is blank and other times there are menus and buttons where the text should be…
I don’t have any screen capture software running…

Which version of Java are you using? If you go to Help -> About Rhythmyx Workbench -> Configuration Details -> View Error Log

Do you see any errors in this file?

I have started right clicking on workbench and specifically running it as administrator. Even though I’m an administrator on the machine this seems to have fixed the black screen in the editor issue.

[QUOTE=muggsman;20183]I’m having this issue as well. Sometimes the screen is blank and other times there are menus and buttons where the text should be…
I don’t have any screen capture software running…