textarea control


as the ephox cannot be used for script tags i am trying to use a textarea to allow users to add scripts to pages. however, when the content is pulled into the page it changes the < to & lt; etc. how do i stop this.


We’re using version 6.5.2 and for a long time the ephox control had an issue with script tags, but I think since we upgraded to the latest patch, that issue has gone away. Maybe check the patch notes for the version you’re using, and see if an upgrade would resolve your issue?

As for having the textarea not clean up what’s entered, I haven’t seen anything about that. Sorry I can’t help there.

unfortunately we are on v5.7

i am currently waiting for management to approve an upgrade. does anyone know if publishing the script tags will only be possible by upgrading. if so, then i will need to feed this info upwards and hope they approve upgrade.
