The latest on slots and incremental publishing

I noticed that a lot of the info about incremental publishing, in the forum, is from 2007.

I am trying to deal with auto slots, PSOReverseRelationshipFinder slots, and incremental publishing, and I am wondering if I have the most up-to-date information.

Right now, all of my content is publishing every time. I’d like to fix that. But I am using PSOReverseRelationshipFinder slots all over the place. Is that part of my problem?

I’m also using a lot of auto-slots. My only idea right now is to break up my pages and use includes on the server side, to try to cut down on some of the inefficiency I have going on.


I don’t believe that the reverse relationship slots will cause over publishing.

However, auto-slots definitely will cause items to be published more frequently than they change.

The rule is that if you have an autoslot in a template, all content items in all content types that can use that template always publish. Obviously, if you have a large number of autoslots, all (or nearly all) of your content will fall into this category.

The problem is that Rhythmyx has no way to detect which “Queries” are time sensitive and which ones are not. It also has no way to know when you have added or removed items from a category. To be “safe” (that is, not to miss changes in the website that you intended to make), we have to publish all content that could have changed, not just the content that we know has changed.


Hi April

You can remove the relationship between the template and the slot in the template properties. The slot will still generate the same results as the slot markup is still on the template it just means that the template wont publish on every incremental (unless the content item itself has been updated).

I dont know your publishing model but you would need to add a full edition every evening to make sure that all content was updated.

It can produce slight inconsistant results but can outweight the fact the Rhythmyx is running a full publish when you’re expecting an incremental.


Thanks for the advice.