The template 589 does not bind the required variable $pagelink see log for stack trac


i am getting the following output for all my navigation slots:

Problem assembling output for item: 2-101-260334 with template: rffSnRKTopNav exception: The template 589 does not bind the required variable $pagelink see log for stack trace

Previews are fine though?


Look at the debug output of the preview to confirm whether the $pagelink binding has a value. To view the debug output, in the URL in the address field of the browser preview window, change “assembly/render” to “assembly/debug”, then refresh. The bindings are typically collapsed at the top of the debug output.

You might also want to look at the topic “Implementing Hypertext Links”, p. 143 in the Version 6.5 Rhythmyx Implementation Guide for details about when the $pagelink binding is required.


The template 589 doesnt even use a $pagelink binding - it is jusr a snippet template. The navigation template that is errorring has no relationship with template 580 so i dont understand what the connection is. In the nav template i am pulling through the landing pages using:

#set($landing_page = $navon.getProperty(“nav:url”).String)

same as i do for my breadcrumb nav which also works correctly. The error message doesnt help at all. Any more suggestions would be greatly appreciated.