TinyMCE Problems

Not sure if this is just specific to us, but I had to add

"extended_valid_elements" : "div[sys_dependentvariantid|sys_dependentid|inlinetype|rxinlineslot|sys_siteid|sys_folderid|rxselectedtext|class|role|aria-*]"

to our default_config.json in order to insert and save inline templates after switching over EditLive Fields to tinyMCE.

Without doing this, the editor would do some wonky stuff after saving a field with say an inline title link. And by wonky I mean that sometimes it would display a blank field, or at other times, the editor and field would not even show up.

Please note that this probably isn’t the full attribute list for the div element, so this is more of a temporary solution to our problem (Ticket filed with PS Tech Support: #15553).

Does anyone have other problems with the tinyMCE editor?

I’ve also noted that deleting templates, or trying to get a space / paragraph tag after an inserted template is not easy to do without switching to html mode.

and I apparently need to do this for the span tag to…

Adding more allowed attributes:

"extended_valid_elements" : "div[sys_dependentvariantid|sys_dependentid|inlinetype|rxinlineslot|sys_siteid|sys_folderid|rxselectedtext|class|contenteditable|contextmenu|dir|draggable|dropzone|hidden|id|lang|tabindex|title|translate|spellcheck|accesskey|style|role|aria-*|data-*|onload|onresize],span[sys_dependentvariantid|sys_dependentid|inlinetype|rxinlineslot|sys_siteid|sys_folderid|rxselectedtext|class|contenteditable|contextmenu|dir|draggable|dropzone|hidden|id|lang|tabindex|title|translate|spellcheck|accesskey|style|role|aria-*|data-*|onload|onresize]",

looks like the issue is with allowing contenteditable as an attribute.

[QUOTE=jitendra;21218]Not sure if this is just specific to us, but I had to add

"extended_valid_elements" : "div[sys_dependentvariantid|sys_dependentid|inlinetype|rxinlineslot|sys_siteid|sys_folderid|rxselectedtext|class|role|aria-*]"

to our default_config.json in order to insert and save inline templates after switching over EditLive Fields to tinyMCE.

Without doing this, the editor would do some wonky stuff after saving a field with say an inline title link. And by wonky I mean that sometimes it would display a blank field, or at other times, the editor and field would not even show up.

Please note that this probably isn’t the full attribute list for the div element, so this is more of a temporary solution to our problem (Ticket filed with PS Tech Support: #15553).

Does anyone have other problems with the tinyMCE editor?

I’ve also noted that deleting templates, or trying to get a space / paragraph tag after an inserted template is not easy to do without switching to html mode.[/QUOTE]

We have experienced some issues with TinyMCE and the inline templates. We still don’t know the proper way to remove an inline template. I hope it isn’t going to code view, to delete it. If you remove the “noneditable” plugin it will help out quite a bit. We are still testing it and haven’t ironed out all of the details yet.

I’m having inline template problems with tinyMCE too. On updating after adding an inline template, the field went blank and the content had vanished.

The Spellchecker plugin just gives a “General Error”.

Has anyone found a good plugin to improve the view for source code with TinyMCE? The main complaint during our testing of TinyMCE so far has been how poorly TinyMCE implements source view. Thanks.

We use Codemirror and like that so far.