Training documentation


Any chance of getting an electronic version of the training documentation?

It would make it loads more useful as we could then do a search on it. I have found that we are missing things because we have a mish mash of printed/electronic material.


Currently we do not distribute training material electronically as a business decision to ensure this material is not copied and distributed to non trained staff, or to third parties.

The key reference material remains with the core product documentation (which is available electronically and on this forum in the Documentation area which is regularly updated and the on-line help within the product.

We are reviewing within the Percussion Education department the feasibility of providing electronic post training / elearning support as an extension to the current training services provided.

Hi Ian,

If it helps, we have clauses in our contract which explicitly stops us “handing out” materials which are produced by other organisations and therefore we would not distribute them.

