Training in UK

Now that Percussion seem to be moving everything back to the US, what is happening with training courses for new developers, advanced training modules and UK Open Days.

All of these were very helpful and useful, especially the Open days, but are we now expected to travel to the US to get training etc.? Or is this yet another instance where partners will be involved?

At the recent UK Percussion user group that question was asked and answered.

Percussion are going to be using their partners to deliver training in the UK. Its early days but you will need to contact the support office that still remains in the UK for details and availability. Sorry I am very new to Percussion and don’t have any contact details I can share at this stage. I believe Unified will be one of the partners involved in delivering training.

Hi Cliff

At the recent UK Percussion user group that question was asked and answered.

I know! I asked the question. This query was posted some time BEFORE the user group met.
