Translated site folders ands ACL settings.

Does anyone know if there is a way of configuring the translation settings to set Folder ACL access to a locale specific target community as is possible/necessary with Content Types?

I addition does anyone know if I can fix the community / folder ACL settings for folders in the already cloned site as there are rather a lot of them.

My theory, based on the quote below from the MSM deployment thread, is that I can simply rename the community in the PSX_OBJECT ACL Back end table… Is this correct?

“Note: Technically, Communities could be deployed at any point in the order because they are only referenced by name in the ACLs of other objects. Deploying Communities early makes testing of later package installations more effective. Remember that Role Membership must be updated manually on the target server if Roles are added or if Membership is different in the source and target environments.”


Percussion CM does not provide automated translation settings for Folders as we do for Content Types.

[QUOTE=fosterd;10328]I addition does anyone know if I can fix the community / folder ACL settings for folders in the already cloned site as there are rather a lot of them.

My theory, based on the quote below from the MSM deployment thread, is that I can simply rename the community in the PSX_OBJECT ACL Back end table… Is this correct?[/QUOTE]

That is not correct. That table stores the ACLs of objects maintained in the Percussion Workbench.

Folders are treated as a kind of Content Item, and their Community and Locale information is stored in the CONTENTSTATUS table. You would have to modify the correct rows in that table.

Note that we generally discourage such direct manipulation of the Repository and consider such manipulations to be unsupported. Definitely back up your Repository before attempting such manual changes.


Thanks for the advice however I had already gone ahead and manipulated the backend data table to correct the folder ACLs which worked perfectly! At least it appears to have unless I have caused an issue elsewhere but all seems fine so far.