

The site that we are building will be multilingual site. We have a single site with separate folders for each locale with translation relationship between the folders and we will be using automated translation.

The approach I came up with is to create separate communities and workflow for each locale and building locale specific templates visible to the associated communities.

I have an issue when creating the translation folders. The navon items are created in the same community and locale as the parent navon.
What should I do so they will be created in the specific community, locale and workflow?

Is there a way so that a user can create content only in specific locale in a specific community? Is there a way to control access to locales for a user?

Are you logged in as the correct community when creating the translation folders?

Also, have you tried checking the properties of the folder? You can change it’s community there. Then you can delete and recreate the navon in that folder…

I don’t know if that would work or not. But it’d be the first place I’d check.

Good luck,
Nick D

I believe this will happen because the NavTree is in one community so all the navon’s will appoear in that community as well I beleive.

What we did was create 2 sites, one english and one french. Both publish to the same site on our IIS only the french folders have been renamed to their french equivalent.

We also went a step further in that we have multiple communities where the translated item needs to go into a different community (not all french goes to the same community) so we had Percussion do a bit of customization.