Trouble setting up an Inline Variant

I’m getting the following error message when I try to insert an inline variant into an EditLive field:

2011-01-23 23:49:12,637 INFO [PSServerLogHandler] appid: 0 type: 1 time: Sun Jan 23 23:49:12 PST 2011 msg: An internal error (end-condition) was encountered. An unexpected exception occurred:
An unexpected exception occurred. The reason was: the configuration name cannot be null or empty. Please consult the log for further information…
The call-stack was:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: the configuration name cannot be null or empty
at com.percussion.cms.handlers.PSRelationshipCommandHandler.getRelationshipConfig(Unknown Source)
at com.percussion.cms.PSInlineLinkField.o00000(Unknown Source)
at com.percussion.cms.PSInlineLinkField.o00000(Unknown Source)
at com.percussion.cms.PSInlineLinkField.o00000(Unknown Source)
at com.percussion.cms.PSInlineLinkField.preProcess(Unknown Source)
at com.percussion.cms.PSInlineLinkField.preProcess(Unknown Source)
at com.percussion.cms.handlers.PSModifyCommandHandler.o00000(Unknown Source)
at Source)

Anyone have any clue what that might be trying to tell me?

Server version 6.7

I’m seeing the same error upon installing RX-16407 patch. I can add an inline image to an item, but inline variants fail for every content type I have tried.

Sam and Matt,

We have not been able to reproduce the behavior you are reporting. Please contact Tech Support for further assistance with this issue.


I was able to successfully add the inline variant if I copied out the code from the edit live field “code” panel after adding the inline variant, closing the window without saving, converting the field to a sys_TextArea, pasting the code into the field and updating, then converting the field back to EditLive.

This same error occurs regardless of the content type of the item I’m trying to attach as an inline variant.

the cause seems to be in the editlive config somewhere. I’m going to talk with support to see if we can isolate the offending code.

Hi Sam

Did you manage to get a fix for this? we’re experiencing the same after apply Patch 16436 (previously 13557) on a 6.5.2 system.


We had a similar problem a while back (when we had installed patch RX-1612). Our solution via tech support was:

In the Workbench > Assembly Design tab> Slots> Edit the sys_inline_variant slot Under Relationship type, please add Active Assembly, and save the slot.

I seem to recall in 6.5.2 that relationship type for inline slots (we had 4 custom ones) was left purposefully blank… hope this helps…

Hi Jitendra

Thanks for the info. I’ve made the change and it’s now working as expected.


Seems my fix was specific to the client’s installation and configuration. Glad you got yours working, too :slight_smile: