troubleshooting item filters

Is there a method to troubleshoot item filters or turn on some logging so you know what is being filtered and how? More specifically, when creating content lists, it is easy to run that query in the JSR query debugger and know what content items you’ll get back. When publishing, a filter is applied to furthur cull the list and I don’t see a way to know what is going on during this step when the item filter is not behaving how you think it should. Any help would be appreciated.



You can preview the Content List to see the results of the Item Filters. See “Testing Your Content Lists”, p. 337 in the Implementation Guide.



You can preview the Content List to see the results of the Item Filters. See “Testing Your Content Lists”, p. 337 in the Implementation Guide.


Thanks for the info. I was aware of that feature, but it doesn’t give you insight (as far as I can tell) into the logic being applied by filter, only the end result, so if the the items being published are not what you expect, it’s not apparent what’s going on unless you wrote the item filter or are very familiar with it. My particular problem is that I am using the out-of-the-box publicFilter and I have items which are in a publishable state which are somehow being weeded out the filter, but I can’t tell why. I have looked at the filter in workbench and I haven’t many any changes to the out-of-the-box one, so I’m at a bit of a loss as where to look next.



Are any of the Content Items that are being weeded out in Quick Edit? If a Content Item is in that State and has not yet been published, it will be filtered out.

One way to troubleshoot Item Filters is to remove Filter Rules and compare the results to the results returned when the rule was in place. I would use a copy of the Content List for such testing.


They are in a state we have in our workflow called “Publish”, which we have defined as a publishable state. Other content types/content items use this workflow and publish Ok, so I’m assuming this something to do with my content type or my content item. Although, when I do try to transition back to Quick Edit, I get an error screen in my browser that contains a Java stack trace:

[B]-[/B] <Error className=“class”>
<Description>No records were found.</Description>

<Callstack> No records were found. at com.percussion.cms.handlers.PSWorkflowCommandHandler.makeInternalRequest(Unknown Source) at com.percussion.cms.handlers.PSContentEditorHandler.makeInternalRequest(Unknown Source) at Source) at com.percussion.server.PSInternalRequest.performUpdate(Unknown Source) at com.percussion.server.actions.c.super(Unknown Source) at com.percussion.server.actions.PSActionSetRequestHandler.processRequest(Unknown Source) at

Thanks for the tip about creating a copy of the item list and changing the filter (I just changed it to preview). I was checking out the template and discovered that the in the “Sites”, there was nothing in the “Visible on These Sites” area. So now the filter picks it up and it gets published. I am still having the issue I described before when I try to transition to “Quick Edit”, which I’m guessing is something unrelated (or maybe not?)


Ok, I’ve got everything sorted now. Thanks for your help.

How did you create a new Item Filter?

I didn’t create a new item filter, I believe that would involve writing Java code and understanding the Percussion classes and all that of in-the-weeds stuff, which I don’t deal with. The solution to my original problem was just to set the “Sites” tab in the template itself.