Trying to add sys_statename to a display format

Can anyone give me a clue how to add Workflow State Name (sys_statename) to a custom Display Format without also automatically adding sys_communityid and sys_workflowid? I don’t want sys_communityid or sys_workflowid, just sys_statename and for the life of me I can’t persuade it to give me just that one.

I’m getting rather frustrated.


P.S. I suspect there are other column option that suffer from this strange affliction but I haven’t cataloged them all yet.




This text from Customizing Content Explorer (Version 6.5.2; see p. 109) should explain the situation:

The values available in some fields depend on the value you specify in another field. If the second field is required by the first field, Rhythmyx includes it automatically. If the second field is optional, Rhythmyx displays a message notifying you about the dependency and offering to include the dependency.

In the case of Workflow, the Workflow ID is a required dependency of the Statename. I don’t know that there is a default dependency between Workflows or States and Communities, but your implementation may include such a dependency.

Yes, other dependencies like this exist. Some are out of the box; others may be artifacts of your implementation.