Turn off unique name within a folder?

Can we turn off the extension to check for unique name with in a folder?


No, the content explorer uses the system title, and if you have more than one item with the same title, it will get confused.

Why do you want to turn of the uniqueness checking?

We have multiple cpntent items with the same title, but with different meta data and we would like to save them in one folder.

If we cannot turn off the uniqueness testing is there any other way around?

Can you keep the display title same and system title unique.

We tried that by appending time stamp to the sys_title and keeping it unique.
But this raised concerns and issues when users tried to search for content items. The sys_title (appended with the time stamp) in the results screen confused them. If there is a way to customize the search results screen (AA slot search), this would become a viable approach for us.