Typical CPU usage question

Hi. On a CM System (6.7) that I’m working on our CPU usage normally sits at between 7 and 15 percent during publishing runs.

I think I’d much rather see it sitting at 60-80% and publishing many times faster and am suspecting that there’s a bottleneck somewhere (network cards, routing, database utilisation etc.).

Out of interest, what kind of CPU utilisation are other people getting whilst publishing runs are taking place?


We are running CM System 7.1 with the following utilization during our incremental edition:

11825  perc    25   0  1600m  1.4g   12m  S  99.9     74.3      2158:43   java                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

If you have multiple cpus then you may want to increase the publishing thread count to make full use of them. Look for the property concurrentConsumers in


The default is 2

[QUOTE=sbolton;20226]If you have multiple cpus then you may want to increase the publishing thread count to make full use of them. Look for the property concurrentConsumers in


The default is 2[/QUOTE]

We did try this a few days ago. We set the value to 8 (its a 12 core machine) and restarted Rhythmyx. We also confirmed that the setting in server.properties for using a single thread for assembling slot content wasn’t set (that we’d seen in a patch release note) and ran a publish.

No change whatsoever. Something’s a bottleneck here and I’m thinking more and more its not RX - more likely the network/database.

Did you ever figure anything out with this? I’m seeing the same thing with our servers.

Did you ever figure anything out with this? I’m seeing the same thing with our servers.[/QUOTE]
No, we never got the CPU working harder - well at least we haven’t yet. There’s a database upgrade planned (from SQL2000 to SQL2008) and maybe this on some better database hardware (and hopefully a better network) will improve things. I just think that RX could be working so much harder than it is and I just need to find the bottleneck.

@rileyw is your database server on the same machine as your application server?


No, our database server is on a dedicated server.

You may find benefit from increasing the chunk size used with incremental publishing.