Unable to extract the user context value

Has anyone seen this error message before? This error is being thrown while trying to edit a particular content type.

“Unable to extract the user context value”

An error occurred processing the query submitted by session id 3218d7388ea9cfdc614941a5e3ce6ea44ec26ab1.
<Error id="1">
com.percussion.error.PSEvaluationException: Unable to extract the user context value "1", type (0) is not valid.
<Error id="2">preview handler</Error>

Log Message:

2009-04-09 14:22:00,760 INFO  [PSServerLogHandler] appid: 0 type: 1 time: Thu Apr 09 14:22:00 EDT 2009 msg: An internal error (end-condition) was encountered. An unexpected exception occurred:
An unexpected exception occurred. The reason was: Unable to extract the user context value "1", type (0) is not valid.. Please consult the log for further information..

2009-04-09 14:22:00,761 ERROR [Cms] An unexpected exception occurred. The reason was: Unable to extract the user context value "1", type (0) is not valid.. Please consult the log for further information.

I thought I would also note that I can open the item in active assembly but when I click an any editing field, the same error message is displayed in a pop-up message. I don’t remember changing anything with this content type so I am at a loss as to why this happened.

Everything with this content looks like it is performing normally, no errors on an application restart or within the server logs other than the ones posted below.

Hi Stephen

What happens when you try and add an item?

What type of controls are you using in this content type?

Are you using any pre or post transformations that rely on user context?


Hey James,

When I try to create a new content item, the same message is displayed as if I were trying to edit a content item for this content type. This content type is using a post field transformation for the sys_title field, which relies on the displaytitle field.

I have resolved the issue and what happened was I changed one of the visibility conditional statements from Roles/RoleName LIKE %Admin% to 1 = 2. However when I made this change the prefix Roles/Rolename was not cleared out and appeared like Roles/Rolename1 = 2. After removing the Rolels/Rolename variable, everything returned to normal.

Thanks for your help :slight_smile: