Unable to link to a downloadable zip file

I am trying to link to a downloadable zip file and it works fine in preview but then disappears after I publish the page. The link is contained inside a rich text asset and Firebug indicates that all the link code has been stripped out of the published page. Is there another tag that I need to enclose the link in to keep it intact after publishing?

Hi Debbie,

If the File asset (or page) you’re linking to in CM1 is not in the Live workflow state when you publish content linking to it, the link will be stripped out. To correct this, find the Zip file in question in your Assets library, open it for editing, and then publish the asset (hover over Publishing and select Publish). Now that the asset is in the Live workflow state, you can again publish the page that links to this file, and you should find that the link becomes active.

Hi Nathaniel,

I opened the asset for editing but don’t have the option to publish. Wouldn’t it be to the right of “Revisions”? Maybe I’m missing something?

Hey Debbie,

In your screenshot it looks like you have a Rich Text asset that must, in turn, be linking to the Zip file asset. While you’ll want to ensure that this asset is approved and Pending before you publish the page, you’ll also still need to track down the actual Zip file asset itself and publish that before the link becomes active on your live site.

That was the missing link and that worked! Thanks for your help, Nathaniel!

No problem, Debbie!