Unpublish item in more than one folder error

I have a content item that we want to be able to put in more than one folder. When I publish the it will get published in both folders. However when I remove the item from public it only unpublishes the item from one folder, and has a status of error.

My content list looks like this:

select rx:sys_folderid, rx:sys_contentid from rx:CMABioPage where jcr:path like '//Sites/BGSU%'

And my location scheme looks like this:

if($sys.item.hasProperty('rx:filename') && $sys.item.getProperty('rx:filename').String != "") {$loc = $sys.item.getProperty('rx:filename').String;}
else {$loc = 'page' + $sys.item.getProperty('rx:sys_contentid').String;}
$sys.pub_path + $loc + '.html';

Any ideas of what I may be missing?
