
We have 1 publishing site and 2 editions each having non-binary type content list broken out by country. For example, the query for content list 1 includes FRHome content type and content List 2 includes INHome content type. Both editions 1 and 2 have their behavior set to unpublish then publish.

We created a promotable version of FRHome content item and moved it to public. When Edition 1 ran it unpublished the older version and published the new version of FRHome type content item.

Later when edition 2 ran it again unpublished the old version but did not publish the new version. Why did edition 2 unpublish the old version even though FRHome is not included in the query for content list 2 ? Is this the expected behavior?


Yes, this is expected behavior. When select “Unpublish, then publish” on edition, the server is going to figure out if there is any items need to be unpublished for the entire site against last published items, regardless if the items are included in any of the content lists in the edition.

Thanks for your response. Also I was thinking if “Publish” on edition is the right way to go about it? I read that when we select “Publish” --It does not unpublish expired Content Items. However, Content List can be explicitly configured to unpublish. How is that done??



You use a legacy (XML-based) Content List. For details about building an XML-based Content List, see the 5.7 documentation, specifically “Creating a Content List Application”. p. 48 in Implementing Publishing.