Unpublishing items in Archive state

Based on the percussion start and end date, an item transitions into an archive state.

I would like to write a content list to select items and filter the ones in archive state and run an edition to unpublish them.

The item filter dropdown has an unpublish and not an archive.

What is the difference between the two filters?

Do I have to customize the sys_cassupport application to write a jsr query to select items in archive state?

Is there some traditional or recommended way of implementing this? If so, if there some document or forum post that you can share?

Thanks in advance.

The way that item filters come into the publishing process is not the most straightforward thing in the world and is really hard to explain without being able to sit down with someone and show them, but I will try. I’m not sure how well it is documented in the manuals. It’s important to understand what exactly items filters are, what they do and how they use workflow state.

Out of the box, you’ll see 5 item filters, one of which is the ‘unpublish’ filter. Every item filter rule consists of a series filter rules. When you write a JCR query for a content list, the list of content that is returned is furthur filtered by each filter rule and the end result is what the publishing engine will actually act upon. The ‘unpublish’ filter has a filter rule called sys_filterByPublishableFlag, which you can see in Workbench. The only parameter is “sys_flagValues”, which you will see has a setting of “u”. There is a keyword called “Publishable”, which is used when you build workflows in the “Publishable:” field to which this “u” corresponds (you can go in Content Explorer under the Workflows tab and see this). This tells the ‘unpublish’ filter to only bring in items which are in an an “Archive” state.

All that said, when you are setting up your editions in Publishing Design, you will notice a radio button set for every edition which has “Publish” and “Unpublish Then Publish”. So, if you have set up everything correctly with your item filters and workflows (which Fast Forward has done), all you have to do is select “Unpublish The Publish” and any items which are in an Archive state will be removed from the published content.