
can anyone provide details of upgrades and if these would result in a working version of CM system. I’m a little confused by the route rhythmyx has taken and where we sit in the big scheme of things.

We currently use version 5.7. last year we were told there were 2 upgrades - to 6.5.2 and then to 6.7 - are these both rhythmyx or CM system?


Michelle, you may want to check out http://help.percussion.com/cmsystem/index where you can find manuals on upgrading from 5.7 to 6.5.2 then to 6.7. You will want to review these manuals to understand what has changed.

One particular manual you should read through is: http://help.percussion.com/Assets/cmsystem/6_5_2/Upgrading_Rhythmyx_5_7_and_earlier_Rhythmyx%206_5_2.pdf