Upgrading 2.10 - > 3.0

CM1 3.0 is out, and it says to upgrade from 2.11 or 2.13 to 3.0 here: http://help.percussion.com/admin-topi…

Problem is: We’re on 2.10, and I’m not seeing any downloads for 2.11 upgrade–the past versions page only shows new features: http://help.percussion.com/release-no…

Do I need to upgrade to 2.11 before going to 3.0? If so, where can I find 2.11 upgrade?

Hi Matt,

We test and fully support upgrading to two versions back, so yes, it is recommended to follow one of the upgrade paths in that doc to ensure that everything goes smoothly. You can find the CM1 2.11 installer for Linux here:
