Upgrading 5.7 to 6.5.2 and Active Assembly

Hi guys,

We’re speccing out the upgrade process for a 5.7 to 6.5.2 upgrade, and had thought this may be done in 2 main stages - core upgrade followed by Velocity etc upgrade. But if Active Assembly doesn’t work on XSL templates after upgrade, this is a non-starter since it’s extensively used.

Is it possible to retain Active Assembly on old XSL variants in an upgraded system, either running it alongside new active assembly or switching once Velocity upgrade is complete? Or do we at the very least need to migrate the page templates?




The Active Assembly process (creating associations between Rhythmyx Content Items) still works with XSL Variants after upgrade from 5.71 to 6.5.2. What will not work until you convert to Velocity is the Active Assembly Interface introduced in Rhythmyx Version 6.5. The functionality in this interface is based on Velocity and will only work with Velocity Templates, not with XSL Variants.

Unfortunately, many people use “Active Assembly” as a shorthand for this interface, which can create confusion.

The two-stage upgrade process you understood (upgrade and stabilize the server, then convert XSL Variants to Velocity Templates) is still the supported and recommended approach.