User Log-in Issue following Upgrade

We’ve recently upgraded a customer’s system from 5.6 to 6.5.2 and all seems fine apart from when a user logs into the system for the very first time. They see the attached errors.

It seems that it doesn’t know which community they are members of and thus cannot load the display formats etc etc.

There is a slight workaround in that if you stop and restart the server all is fine for that user but it’s not great and needs fixing before the system can be rolled out

Is this is known issue?

Thanks in advance

I’ve not seen that exact issue before, but I do know that you have to flush the Java Applet Cache on the client system when you upgrade the server. Failure to do this leads to some sporadic errors when client machines log in for the first time.

I hope this helps



We have experienced the display format error in the past. To resolve this, in your browser delete the end of the URL up to Rhythmyx, for example http://server:9992/Rhythmyx/sys_cx/mainpage.html would become http://server:9992/Rhythmyx/. This should then take you to the ‘Select a community’ screen. When you choose a community and go into the CE the error disappears.

I hope this helps.


In 6.5, you can also point the browser to the “server home page” (e.g. http://server:9992/ ) and click on the “Content Explorer” link on that page.