Using HTTPS at port 443


Rhythmyx 6.7 implemntation guide documents how Rhythmyx can use HTTPS with port 9443. The procedure works and Content Explorer GUI works fine on secure port 9443. However our VPN block port 9443. The obvious solution is to use the default port of 443 for HTTPS, in all UNIX systems all port under 1024 are reserved for root access, which implies we start Rhythmyx as a root. This brings another set of issue - we dont want to run Rhythmyx as a root for security reasons. Is there a way to start Rhythmyx as a root and soon as the server binds to port 443 it then runs as a normal user (non-root) ?



We have moved to port forwarding through iptables where 443 is redirected to 9443. This allows us to execute the application as a non-root user.

Let me know if that helps at all.


Thanks that helped, we also had another issue where the local Linux firewall was blocking all external traffic coming to 9443. With both the changes we are able to access Content Explorer on port 9443 as well as 443