Using MSM when Adding or Removing Content Type Fields

In Rhythmyx Version 6.0 and later, you may need to follow special practices when using MSM to deploy changes to Content Types.
[li]If you are removing a fields from a Content Type AND you are also removing the corresponding backend column from the Repository, you must:[/li][ol]
[li]Package the Content Type WITHOUT the table schema.[/li][li]Package the schema in a separate custom package. This package can be in the same archive or in a different archive. In either case, it MUST be installed after the Content Type package.[/li]If you include the schema in the same package as the Content Type, you will get an error including text stating “no such column”.
[li]If you are removing fields from a Content Type WITHOUT removing the corresponding backend column, include the Content Type and schema in the same package.[/li][li]If you are adding fields to a Content Type, the best option is to include the schema in the same package as the Content Type. Alternatively, you can put the schema in a separate package, but that package must be installed BEFORE the Content Type.[/li][/ol]
Deploying Content Type changes that include both adding and removing fields requires extraordinary care. If removing a field from a Content Type, Choose NOT to remove the storage as well as the field. Include the Content Type and the schema in the same package. Later, you can manually remove the column from the source table, then redeploy the schema AFTER you have successfully updated the Content Type on the target server.


I am trying to do step one and getting this error (see attached). The error happens when I try to open the table schema folder in the wizard.

Do you know why?



BTW, if you cannot read the screenshot (because the forums system has shrunk and compressed it) it says:

An unexpected error has occurred:
com.percussion.deploy.error.PSDeployException: An unexpected error has occurred: Invalid type:
com.percussion.tablefactory.PSJdbcTableFactoryException: Unable to convert from integer jdbcType 1111 to the corresponding String

I have searched all the documentation for “unexpected error” (lots of those, but none relevant), “PSDeployException” (nothing found), “Invalid type” (nothing found) and “TableFactory” (one match, but in a section about database publishing.) It has been said before on these forums (probably by me) but the manual on MSM needs a much longer “Troubleshooting” section than just two pages.

The MSM job being attempted is to transfer modifications to two content types from a development/test server that was only recently (about a week before) copied from the production server, which is the destination. Those changes to the content types definitions, and underlying table schemas, are the only differences between the two servers, both 6.5.2, with the same patch level, and both using Oracle 11g.

Andrew -

Please contact technical support to resolve the error you are seeing - this error is truly “unexpected” and not something I’d expect you or anyone else would be able to effectively troubleshoot on your own or in this forum.
