Using package builder for installing new objects


We used the Package builder and installer to deploy our development work on the staging environment. Now we want to deploy newly created objects and other modified files using the same tool.

From what I read in the documentation A design object in the Percussion CM System can only be included in one package. In that case

  1. How will I package modifications made to files that were deployed in the previous package which need to be repackaged?

  2. I have created new templates for FAQ content type. FAQ type was already packaged and deployed to the server, so I cannot package it again. In that case if I just package the templates will the relationship between the new templates and the content type maintained after the new templates are deployed?


Rebuild the package; the changes will be picked up. (Note that if you have added new files, you will need to add them to the package for them to be picked up.) Then re-install the package to the target location. The updated files will be deployed, overwriting the original package.

The Content Type owns the Relationships. If the association is already defined when you rebuild the Content Type package, the Template associations will be included. You can include the Templates in the FAQ package with the Content Type if you prefer.



Rebuild the package; the changes will be picked up. (Note that if you have added new files, you will need to add them to the package for them to be picked up.) Then re-install the package to the target location. The updated files will be deployed, overwriting the original package.


Thanks, what if I made changes to one of the Action menu example Quick edit, modified its visibility settings or modified the existing rx_template.xsl file which comes with the initial install and was not included in the package that I will rebuild. Will I need to package the Action menu and the rx_template.xsl file as well when rebuilding the package?


Yes, you will need to package them. I would package them in unique packages so as not to tie them to the Content Type package (or each other) in case you need additional modifications to support other implementations.


Thanks, Also if I use Package builder and MSM alternatively will that cause issues incase we want to uninstall packages.

For example if I can packaged and deployed some files using the package builder and then on the next release used the MSM to package and deploy modifications made to the same files, will it cause a problem when I try to uninstall the first package deployed using the package builder?


Alternating use of packaging and MSM to deploy an object is not recommended practice, and is unsupported. When deploying an object, you should consistently use one or the other.