Using $rx.db.get...having trouble pulling data from CLOB object

I need to make a database call to pull CLOB data. The data that I’m getting back seems to be a java CLOB object.

I’m trying to retrieve the data with the following code in my template:

#set($len = $pictures.length())			
	#set($chrome_default_img = $pictures.getSubString(1,$len))

But the getSubString method doesn’t seem to like a velocity var passed in…

I can get this to work by passing the actual length as follows

#set($chrome_default_img = $pictures.getSubString(1,4499))

Any suggestions?


Clob.length() returns a long, and String.subString() wants an int.

Try something like $len.intValue().

If that doesn’t work, try $tools.math.toInteger($len).intValue()


That worked.


Could you post your code so that others may learn?


Here’s the code. It shows how to use the $rx.db.get() function and pull data from a CLOB object, which is in blue below.

			##get the model id and trim description
			#set($select = 'model_id, style, pictures')
			#set($from ='model_info_re t')
			#set($where ="t.style_id = $style_id")
			#set($sql = "select $select from $from where $where")
			#set($results = $rx.db.get($db,$sql))
			#set($model_id = $results.get(0).get('MODEL_ID'))
			#set($style = $results.get(0).get('STYLE'))
		##set pictures from results set
		#set($pictures = $results.get(0).get('PICTURES') ) 
		##if null then set to empty string
			#set($chrome_default_img = '')
	[B]		#set($len = $pictures.length())	
			#set($chrome_default_img = $pictures.getSubString(1,$len.intValue()))[/B]