Using webfonts with cm1


Just wondering if anyone has used web fonts with cm1? I don’t have ftp access to my serv er yet, and I need to upload a webfonts kit folder. Will try doing in the same way I did the style sheets. Any tips does this work?

Seems to work just fine to upload it to your design folder =) Hey!!

Yup, there’s no filtering or validation done to the content in your web_resources design library; the system uploads whatever is in there as-is. Nice work identifying this solution and posting the confirmation!


I seem to be getting this error about my webfonts. I’m new to using these and I don’t really know much at all. It looks like the file that it says it can’t find is there in my design folder. Any ideas about where to start to troubleshoot this error? I’m going to start with my css and see if I can see anything obvious.

Here is the css code that I have in my style sheet. I can’t see anything obvious and my css validates.

@import url("//");

font-family: ‘SketchBlock-Light’;
src: url(‘webfonts/28C250_0_0.eot’);
src: url(‘webfonts/28C250_0_0.eot?#iefix’) format(‘embedded-opentype’),url(‘webfonts/28C250_0_0.woff’) format(‘woff’),url(‘webfonts/28C250_0_0.ttf’) format(‘truetype’);

font-family: ‘SketchBlock-Bold’;
src: url(‘webfonts/28C250_1_0.eot’);
src: url(‘webfonts/28C250_1_0.eot?#iefix’) format(‘embedded-opentype’),url(‘webfonts/28C250_1_0.woff’) format(‘woff’),url(‘webfonts/28C250_1_0.ttf’) format(‘truetype’);

Having an error show up about my web font and can’t seem to figure it out. Any ideas?

I found this on stackoverflow. Will try it…

So it sort of worked. It took the errors from 4 down to 2. So I’m not sure what else to try. If anyone finds anything let me know. Its not critical because all the fonts seem to be working I was just trying to clean things up.


This is the code that I’m using to use fonts on my site.

@font-face {   
font-family: 'MSU';   
src: url('./fonts/MSU.eot');   
src: url('./fonts/MSU.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),   
url('./fonts/MSU.svg#entypo') format('svg'),   
url('./fonts/MSU.woff') format('woff'),   
url('./fonts/MSU.ttf') format('truetype');   
font-weight: normal;   
font-style: normal;   

Try adding the ./ webfonts in your urls.

are your font files in your web_resources folder?

Yes they are. This is what the url looks like in the finder bar in Percussion.
